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Children in South Sudan refugee camp

Be a lifeline to refugees in poor countries

Your gift today will provide the necessities for life to refugees struggling to survive.

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You provide hope for those who have nothing

There are few groups who have so much hanging in the balance. 


Refugees have lost everything. They are living in a foreign country with a new language and culture. Many aren’t allowed to work. Most have experienced extreme trauma, such as livIng through bombings, losing a spouse and traveling by foot or boat in the effort to flee.


Refugees living in impoverished countries lack food, medical care, and other basic necessities.


They aren’t thinking about their future or what life means. They just want to feed their children.


That’s where you come in. Your gifts can go far in bringing food and other essentials to refugees.


Through your generosity, we bring the basics in the name of Jesus. In the process, they may meet their savior and have not only their physical needs met, but their spiritual ones as well.


Will you join us?

Three ways to bring hope to a refugee today:

About our founders

Scott and Julie Steinloski

Meet Scott and Julie

Scott and Julie Steinloski’s first visit to a refugee camp was so visceral it prompted Scott to quit his job and start Refugee Relief.


It became clear to Scott and Julie that, while spiritual ministry among refugees is crucial, the pressing physical needs are where ministry should begin. As they spoke to those living in the camp, they heard again and again, “We just need food.” 


So they set out to bring food to those in the most dire circumstances in the most impoverished countries. 

What others say about us

I have known Scott for over 10 years, and he and his wife Julie are members of True Hope Church - and the founders of Refugee Relief. True Hope, the church I pastor, has been blessed to partner with Refugee Relief over the last few years in meeting the needs of refugees in the most vulnerable of places across our world.

Ryan Oletzke, Pastor, True Hope Church

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